The first pulse of 17 second swell hit the reefs a little after 4AM. I paddled out to one of my favorite low tide spots at 0536 on the Coffey 6-10. I was late. I got held up at home taking a dump. I'm gonna have to retrain my colon since it's been so long that I've been up and at 'em this early. Even my old eyes can see in the
Surfed up coast of my usual SUP spots and it was good and fun. Roots is a minus tide place and it just stops working in around one foot of tide. It's a quirky place and the takeoff zone is all over the place. It's best when you can back door the second peak, but that happens only every once in a while depending on wave size and direction. The Coffey shaped 6-10 is a perfect board for Roots. Not only because it paddles so well, but with the shortboard rocker and bottom config, the board fits into the contour of the wave so it moves out fast without hanging up in the face. At this spot, the take off starts out very soft until the wave hits the underwater rock reef. Then it jumps,
I surfed for two hours, got a lot of waves, and learned even more about the 6-10 surfed as a quad. I was out for an hour by myself before anyone else showed up. Granted, most people were paddling up coast, right past me, because Tres 8's was going off
This was the first morning since May 17th that we haven't had solid overcast with fog, and there was a light NE breeze throwing foam off the wave tops. A first rate surfing day...for sure!
June 5, 2009 (F)
In: 0536
Out: 0730
AT= 54-56F
WT= 54.7-54.9F
Wx: Partly cloudy with broken cloud cover
Tide: -0.9' Rising to 1.4'
Wind: Light NE offshores to light to moderate south easterlies
Sea Surface: Glassy to light wind ripples late
6-10 Ward Coffey EPS (Marko Styrolite)/Epoxy Custom
Fin set-up: Thruster/Quad with Future Fins AM1 and Future 350 sidebite quad set-up.Out: 0730
AT= 54-56F
WT= 54.7-54.9F
Wx: Partly cloudy with broken cloud cover
Tide: -0.9' Rising to 1.4'
Wind: Light NE offshores to light to moderate south easterlies
Sea Surface: Glassy to light wind ripples late
6-10 Ward Coffey EPS (Marko Styrolite)/Epoxy Custom
Bathymetry: Sand bars
Deep Water Swell and Wave Face Heights CDIP Archive
Buoy: NWS (Farshore*)
0400: 3.3 feet @ 13.8 SSW
0500: 3.0 feet @ 17.4 SSW (3-4 ft. wave faces)
0600: 3.3 feet @ 17.4 SSW
0700: 3.3 feet @ 17.4 SSW (3-5 ft. wave faces)
0800: 3.6 feet @ 17.4 SSW
0900: 3.9 feet @ 17.4 SSW (3-5 ft. wave faces)
1000: 3.6 feet @ 17.4 SSW
1100: 3.6 feet @ 17.4 SSW
NOTE: For south swell, the farshore buoy is more accurate than the nearshore buoy. The opposite is true for North through West swells.
Yeh, it looks very, very pleasant indeed. Anybody would be stoked!