Paddled out into a lone peak at 0804 on the Coffey 6-10. A relative crowd was on another downcoast peak, but mine didn't look bad. Surfed the first half hour by myself. Then a couple folks came out and joined me. The onshore wind, which has been incessant for the last almost two weeks, even relented a bit in that it didn't come up until close to 0900.
I had the Pavel Speed Dialer fins installed and was looking forward to getting a surf at long last, and to comparing the speeds with the future quads. Super high tech sophisticated fins are
Surfed for an hour and got out after a long left put up a wall with some room to maneuver. It
June 1, 2009 (M)
In: 0803
Out: 0900
AT= 53-54F
WT= 53F
Wx: Low clouds and overcast
Tide: 2.9' Falling to 2.2'
Wind: Light to increasing southeasterlies
Sea Surface: Light wind chop
6-10 Ward Coffey EPS (Marko Styrolite)/Epoxy Custom
Fin set-up: Pavel quadsOut: 0900
AT= 53-54F
WT= 53F
Wx: Low clouds and overcast
Tide: 2.9' Falling to 2.2'
Wind: Light to increasing southeasterlies
Sea Surface: Light wind chop
6-10 Ward Coffey EPS (Marko Styrolite)/Epoxy Custom
Bathymetry: Sand bars
Deep Water Swell and Wave Face Heights CDIP Archive
Buoy: NWS (Nearshore)
0730: 1.6 feet @ 11.1 W
0800: 1.6 feet @ 10.5 W (2-3 ft. wave faces)
0830: 1.6 feet @ 10.5 W
0900: 1.3 feet @ 10.5 W (2-3 ft. wave faces)
0930: 1.3 feet @ 10.5 W
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