Surfed this afternoon on the incoming tide as I knew the windswell would be weak...and it was. I should have paddled out an hour earlier although I don't think it would have made that much of a difference. I suspect that the only reason we had the surfable waves that we did was the genesis of the nearshore wind.
I surfed inside Sarge's (with three other neophyte longboarders just sitting...sitting...sitting outside). I caught a ton of low energy waves on the inside. Gutless, mushed out insiders. Paddled over to GDubs against the southwest wind and back. Got a couple nice walls and nose rides on the Olohe outside Sarges in front of the rip-rap, but all in all it was a lackluster surf day. But at least it wasn't flat.
May 13, 2008 (Tu)
In: 1420
Out: 1535
AT= 72 to 66 degrees
WT= 50 degrees at the nearshore buoy
Wx: Clear and Sunny
Tide: 1.0 Rising to 2 feet
Wind: Southwest at 6 mph
Sea Surface: Wind ripples
Buoy: NWS
Sporadic buoy data
1300: 5.9 feet @ 10 WNW
1400: 5.9 feet @ 7.7 NW
1500: 4.9 feet @ 7.7 NW
10'4" Angulo SUP with Infinity paddle
Fin set-up: Thruster with Bluecoil 5.5" center fin and FCS Occy sides
Bathymetry: Rock reefs
CDIP: 3.3 feet at 10 seconds from 320 degrees and 1.2 feet at 14 seconds from 170 degrees
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