All indicators point to a continuation of waves into and possibly through the weekend. Swell and

period dropped during the day yesterday and is currently sitting at 8' @ 13 seconds WNW and putting up some decent lines as the tide continues to drop towards a noon low of .89 feet. Fog covered the coast early, but started burning back by 0800.
I've got class preparation for the
hazmat awareness level certification course tomorrow at

Cabrillo so I might be able to sneak in a few waves during the day depending upon how the prep finish and polish goes. Then no waves for me until possibly Sunday afternoon or evening. That's just the way the rhythm cycles sometimes. (Back still hurts a little too.)

Here's a couple more fun pics from yesterday that I didn't publish out of the boatload of shots I took. Whitty got a ton of nice rides. He finally got off the snowboard and back on the SUP. That's what happens when you own a
boardsports shop.
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