The high tides are swamping any hopes for even moderate, consistent surf in the mornings. Low tides are best but there is no groundswell of note running, and the windswell is moderate. Possibly some waves this afternoon during low tide. One good thing so far, winds are very light. This should change over the weekend with the bigger Saturday storm making landfall.

The NOAA satellite images show a storm putting up gale force (40-55mph) winds (yellow circle on both images) with over a thousand miles of fetch aimed directly at the Cali coast. This should

I'll try to sneak in a session or two before the weekend. Next week is forecast to be dry and warming up. With the jetstream split on again, off again, on again and now fading to off again, we may or may not see the abundance of waves that have been our blessing these past few weeks when the storm production corridor was open.
Meanwhile our brothers and sisters in Hawaii have been enjoying a cornucopia of good waves and superb weather. Surf has backed off a bit to give them a rest and looks like it's going to crank up again soon. Who took my ticket?
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