At 0700 hours I was driving over the hill for a union meeting thinking about how I was missing out on the double digit swell. I consoled myself by promising to score an evening session upon my return. I got a text from MikeyB, he was just getting ready to hit the water. "Good waves" is what I sent back. No reply...he was getting his.
I paddled out about 4PM. It's starting to get dark so early that I knew I only had about an hour, hour and a half to SUP. No big, it felt good to get out on the ocean and paddle...I knew I'd get some waves.
In addition to the big oil spill in SF, we are experiencing some kind of "mystery" spill/pollution here. This on top of an algae bloom that has exploded resulting in ugly, red rusty water. I put in at the pier in hopes of surfing the reefs. The water had a film of wax like scum on it, white in color. It could be the same stuff that is killing the birds by taking away their water proof coating, the result of which is that the bird drowns. Water visibility was about six inches. I was really glad to be paddling through it all standing up instead of laying down.
I ended up at Sarges where I caught a bunch of little insiders, staying out of the way of the old school longboarders who had taken over the break. There were a lot of fun waist high waves, lot's of nose rides and a decent aloha spirit with some minor league stink-eye and rudeness. But overall, a good session. Big Dave was out on his SUP when I paddled out, and another SUPer at Tweeners. Things were cool.
I got a humungeous (for this swell) set wave getting near dark and used it to shorten the distance between me and the Pier. Got out in the dark.
November 13, 2007 (Tu)
In: 1610
1st Wave: 1625
Out: 1725
Wave count: 10+
Wx: Clear with some clouds
Tide: 0.98 Falling to 0.1
Wind: Calm
Sea Surface: Glassy
Buoy: NWS
1600: 9.2 @ 10.8 WNW
1700: 8.9 @ 12.9 WNW
1800: 9.8 @ 13.8 WNW
1900: 8.5 @ 12.9 WNW
10'4" Angulo SUP
Rock reefs
Waves: 6' @ 13 (approx. ave.) Storm Surf Buoy Model
(Thanks to MikeyB for the sunrise pic.)
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