A little tired this morning from not sleeping too well last night. My sinuses plugged up in reaction to the red tide douching they got yesterday evening. Hoping it clears as I'd rather not have another sinus infection this early into Fall/Winter. Again this morning the red tide was in effect. Visibility about six inches but it didn't seem to be slowing down the two sea otters who were actively dining for the entire session.
Swell is quite obviously missing Gdubs, Sarges and Scimitars. Plenty of whitewater at the Point and the beaches are going overhead and sectiony with glassy conditions. No matter really, still got in a good workout/paddle and surfed 10+ waves on the SUP. Gdubs was pretty crowded this morning. No one out when I paddled over but shortly thereafter there were eight of us. I got some pics of Josh and Robert, that's Josh surfing his longboard here.
I can't get over how peaceful and tranquil it feels to paddle out at dawn with no one else around. The pictures are nice but it doesn't really do the entire experience justice. In Qi Gong there is a practice called standing meditation. This early morning paddle is like it...a standing meditation comprised of a slow and mindlessly thoughtful physical practice of paddling, and balancing, and wordlessly experiencing. Not very articulate but it's the best I can do for now. I need a nap.
Class this afternoon, then the PERB hearing tomorrow all day in Oakland. Will there be surf on Friday? It looks kind of doubtful...but the ocean will be there.
November 14, 2007 (W)
In: 0618
1st Wave: 0625
Out: 0758
Wave count: 10+
Wx: Clear with some clouds
Tide: 3.65 Falling to 3.86 Rising
Wind: Calm
Sea Surface: Glassy
Buoy: NWS
0600: 8.5 @ 12.9 WNW
0700: 7.2 @ 12.9 WNW
0800: 6.6 @ 12.9 WNW
0900: 6.9 @ 12.1 WNW
10'4" Angulo SUP
Rock reefs
Waves: 4.5' @ 12 (approx. ave.) Storm Surf Buoy Model
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