Today's storm started dropping rain about ten minutes after the NWS prediction. Rain has been steady all day from 11AM with messy sea conditions. This storm system is all but played out with a weak finale passing through on Thursday. But it may be so far to the north that we are relatively untouched.
The sat pics and animation clearly show the low pressure situated almost directly over Graham and Moresby Island (north of Vancouver Island) with the comma-like tail brushing through NorCal. A big patch of clearing weather is just offshore our NorCal location.
The final pic shows the StormSurf nearshore buoy forecast for the coming days. All the forecasters are

The weekend warriors should be ecstatic.
(For those (like me) who have a hard time with the UTC time zone conversions, click here for a webpage that shows the conversions for standard and daylight savings time.)
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